With the advent of modern forms of communication, increased traffic, and increased population, this world has become a very noisy place. To rest the brain from the bombardment of so much noise, and to find a place of inner piece within you, I suggest listening to silence. This can be done as a formal meditation, or during your everyday activities. All it takes is a moment of refocusing from the external world, to the silent world within.
The constant chattering, opinions, and thoughts that course through our minds every day, use a considerable quantity of energy. This can be noticed when the mind becomes silent.
To accomplish a quiet mind, simply listen. What are you listening to? Everything and nothing. You do not focus on any particular sound; you simply listen. Become very still. Cease all physical and mental activity, and in an instant stop and listen. What do you notice? You may be aware that each sound has richness to it, which you had not discerned before. Rather than the usual blur of background noise, you might distinctly hear the hum of the refrigerator, separate from the sound of a passing car or, or from the sound of an airplane flying overhead. Each sound may become more distinct, making you acutely aware of life around you.
More than just being conscious of the external world and its sounds, do the exercise again and notice how you feel this time. Does a sense of calm come over you? Calm, peace, and silence go hand-in-hand. As you listen, where are your thoughts? You have none. Where are your anxieties and concerns? Gone.
Again, stop, and with focused intent, listen. Are you aware of a silence behind the sounds? Are you aware of a silence behind the silence? The more you practice, the deeper the silence becomes. At some point you may notice that silence exists everywhere, and sound and thought emanate from it. Silence is the background of all that is.
To enter silence is a goal of many meditations, but there is no need for an organized meditative practice just to stop, anytime of the day and wherever you are, and listen. It can be accomplished easily with a little focused intention.
Listening to silence is calming and peaceful to the mind and body, and is rejuvenating to the nervous system. It can be practiced any time and anywhere, and is a tonic for these noisy times in which we live.
About Johanna
My name is Johanna, and I live in the beautiful rural country of the Inland Northwest.
I am an advocate for using natural products in the home, particularly cleaning products which do not contain toxic chemicals. I feel so strongly about this, that I even sell them! (www.livetotalwellness.com/financial-success) Using products that do not contain the many toxins that are found in commercial brand cleaning items, is a simple way of helping the environment, and also our pets, family, and home in general.
I also love spinning fiber into yarn, knitting, animals, nature, and taking long road trips across the country. Above all I love quiet, and living in the moment.
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