About Johanna

My name is Johanna, and I live in the beautiful rural country of the Inland Northwest.

I am an advocate for using natural products in the home, particularly cleaning products which do not contain toxic chemicals. I feel so strongly about this, that I even sell them! (www.livetotalwellness.com/financial-success) Using products that do not contain the many toxins that are found in commercial brand cleaning items, is a simple way of helping the environment, and also our pets, family, and home in general.

I also love spinning fiber into yarn, knitting, animals, nature, and taking long road trips across the country. Above all I love quiet, and living in the moment.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Becoming Aware of Body Language

Everyone expresses body language, yet many people feel it is too complicated to accurately understand or interpret. Body language can, however, be easily deciphered with a little practice and observation. Here are some very basic, everyday occurrences of body language that we all see but may not have taken the time to truly notice. Perhaps you will discover that reading body language is easy to understand and actually fun!

Facial expressions are surely the most familiar, though some may think expressions are not true body language. I disagree as the face is definitely part of the body, and certainly it speaks its own language.

Consider the smile, which can have many different meanings. Even though the lips are turned up, the addition of eye expressions and various wrinkling of the face can give the smile a realm of different interpretations. A smile can indicate pleasure, sarcasm, friendliness, or even insecurity (as in a nervous smile).

Tears, or crying, also have more than one meaning. It can indicate sadness, bittersweet joy, pain, or it can be the result of jubilant laughter.

Surely we are all aware of these variations in meaning of tears and smiles, so let’s take that understanding just a little bit further.

Let’s look at the body gestures. When speaking with someone, notice if the person leans forward towards you, or have you even found yourself leaning forward towards someone as you make a point in conversation? On the other hand, just the opposite may occur when you or someone leans away. Leaning forward brings one closer; it gives the impression of wanting nearness and there is a bit of intensity or intimacy to it. If the hand gestures are also open and the arms use an open gesture, all the more this signifies a person who is open and willing to accept or give.

Leaning back, away from the other person, is a sign of rejection. This could be a rejection of what is being said or a rejection of being in the presence of that person. In either case, it shows a closed attitude. Crossed arms, stepping back, looking away, all indicate a lack of positive response to the recipient. Think of someone you don’t care to be with, yet you find yourself in their presence occasionally. Notice how your body stands, how you gesture and where your eyes go. Do you tend to look at them or not?

Confident people also often have a definite body language in the way they present themselves. They often stand tall and look straight at whomever they are speaking to. Insecurity presents differently, such as looking down or the eyes looking around while speaking. There is often a sub-conscious desire to be smaller when a person is insecure, therefore the person may slump or round the shoulders.

These are just some very simple examples of body language. The expressions of the face and the posture of the body are seen daily in communicating with people. Noticing and interpreting these things can be fun, and hopefully I’ve sparked a little curiosity so that you can begin noticing your own body language in various situations.

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